SANESA Selection Criteria




The Province will hold a minimum of 3, with maximum of 8 qualifier shows.  In order for riders to qualify for selection and participation at the National Championships, riders have to adhere to the SANESA Schools rules as well as the following criteria and principles:


1.      Riders must take part in at least 3 qualifiers to be considered for selection but best to participate in 4 as the best 3 scores will count for selection with the single lowest score from the 4 qualifiers will be discarded for national team selection.

2.      Teams are selected on Horse/Rider combinations participating at the qualifiers.

3.      Learners may participate in as many horse-rider combinations and as many disciplines and levels as they choose (except for participation in level 0 where riders will not be allowed to also enter for levels 1-7).

4.      Points will be awarded to horse-rider combinations according to positions in classes as per SANESA Schools rules.

5.      Points will not be moved from one level to another, except where such move doesn’t disadvantage any other participants (please confirm eligibility (in writing) with the Chair of selectors before such a move).

6.      Scores will be added and updated throughout the year.

7.      There can be a maximum of 4 riders per team and B-teams will only be selected where numbers and level of ability allows selection.

8.      The riders in each class with the highest scores at the end of the season will form the A-team and will represent the Province at the Nationals.  Should a level and discipline comply with point 7, the committee can decide to select a B-team.

9.      Riders will only be eligible for the provincial team in the level competed in provided that they have attained a minimum average of 50% (fifty percent) for levels 1 through 5 and 65% (sixty five percent) for level 7 during the course of the seasons qualifiers or already be a member of the South African National Team.

10.    The selectors maintain the right to place a minimum level of competence/scoring at the shows in order to be eligible for selection to take part in the Nationals. 

11.    If there is a tie for the fourth position in any team, the horse-rider combination with the highest score at the last show attended by the rider will take preference.  If still tied, the highest aggregate score from the last 2 shows attended will take preference.

12.    The selectors maintain the right to place a single rider per class from a province in order to provide for development, as well as the right to place a rider-horse combination should it not have any effect on any other riders.

13.    Vet and/or Doctor Certificates may excuse horse-rider combinations, only if deemed fair by the selectors and not to the detriment /disadvantage of other riders.

14.    The decision of the selectors is final.

There will only be a National Championship if there are presentable teams from at least two Provinces in more than half the classes offered. 
Only the top two levels offered by the discipline will be allowed at the National Championships where there are riders selected from 1 province only.  All other levels must have riders selected from two Provinces for the class to run at the National Championships.